• 714-366-8820
  • intuitive_wanderer@outlook.com
  • 1095 N. Main St. Orange, Ca 92867

15 Tips to Remember & Reflect on Your Dreams

Throughout history artist, philosophers, inventors, and scientist have gained inspiration from their dreams. I was first introduced to dream interpretation in 2018 and over the last two years I have been taking a deeper dive and training to help analyze people’s nightly thoughts. Dreams are an amazing opportunity to explore our subconscious thoughts, feelings, and gain insight to navigating our […]

What Angel Numbers Mean

Ever wondered why you keep seeing the same numbers? What the meaning behind 11:11 is when you look at the clock? I’m Janelle Magdaleno, certified psychic, medium, and reiki master. I’ve also studied under the wonderful teacher Mr. Kyle Gray, who is a leading pioneer in angel communication and author of the book Angel Numbers. Many of the references will […]

The Power of Sound and Frequency Healing

This blog was created to introduce people to the world of sound and frequency healing in a very basic and simplified way. I do not consider myself an expert in this field but I do have an extensive background in music and energy healing. Like many of you, I was first introduced to music at a very young age. As […]

Protection 103: Part-Three Protection From Negativity

Before we dive deeper into the subject of protection, I recommend that you read my previous blogs Protection 101: Basic Ways to Cleanse Your Aura and Protection 102: How to Protect Your Energy Field before continuing on. It’s important to remember what Kyle Gray always says, “Where love is present, fear is a stranger.” Love is the highest vibration we […]

Protection 102: Part-Two Protecting Your Energy Field

In today’s world, it’s difficult to feel safe all the time. Our brains are hardwired to consistently process our surrounding to evaluate whether or not our environment is safe. Though in certain times, it’s good to have this skill like while driving or doing things that could harm us. Most of the time, it prevents us from getting out of […]

Protection 101: Part-One Basic Ways to Cleanse Your Aura

When I first started on my spiritual journey I was lost on the road and didn’t know where to start. I wanted to learn more about protection but was overwhelmed with information. It can be hard to even know what keywords to search for. Now after years of studying, I wanted to pass on the information in a simplified way […]

The 6 Steps-Dos and Don’ts of Laws of Attraction

Most people of heard of laws of attraction and everyone has used it in some sort of way to make their dreams come true, whether it’s through setting goals or making a wish on a shooting star. But the universe isn’t a genie and if it was that easy no one would work to get anything done. LOA is about […]

Letting Go With Energy Cord Cutting

Letting go of what is no longer serving us is never easy, but it’s needed to be able to make room for new energy. Often, we hang on to hope that things will get better, acceptance of our situations, or fear of the unknown. So, it’s understandable why energy cord cutting brings up a lot of mixed emotions within clients. […]

How to Travel If You’re an Empath

Traveling has so many rewards. It helps you relax, resets your work/life balance, and promotes a positive mindset. This is often why jobs give you vacation time. We all know that travel also comes with a lot of stress and anxiety. From planning where to go, staying within our budget, and it can even get worst if you’re traveling with […]