I want to start off by welcoming you to Intuitive Wanderer’s blog page. The reason I wanted to create a blog was to help you navigate your journey to enlightenment, while also sharing my own. My goal is to inspire and educate you in all things metaphysical, such as Reiki and other holistic healing modalities, psychic development, spiritualism, and my true passion paranormal travel.
Nice to meet you…
My name is Janelle Magdaleno. I was born and raised in Orange County, CA. When I was four years old, I discovered I had the wonderful ability to connect with the other side. At the age of sixteen, I became an international traveler and fell in love with seeing the world. Since then, I have traveled to over fifteen countries and have encountered paranormal activity on every journey. Growing up as a Light Worker, I realized I was a small part of something much bigger and dedicated my life to serving “God/Source/Spirit”. I realized how passionate I am about inviting people to experience connections to Source, love, healing energy, and deceased loved ones. So, in 2019, Intuitive Wanderer was born.
I am a certified Psychic, Medium and Reiki Master. In 2018, I began training with P.H.D. Anne Reith at the Wellness and Wisdom Center. I am currently a graduate of IMPART’s (Institute for Mediumship, Psychic, Astrological, & Reiki Training) Certification Programs for Healers, Psychics, and Mediums and a member of IMPART’s Advance Development Circle. There, I have grown quickly and now enjoy assisting in Dr. Reith’s Psychic Development & Mediumship classes and conducting attunements during Reiki workshops.
I have explored a number of different metaphysical subjects such as pendulums, crystals, oracle and tarot cards, psychometry, intuitive art, perceiving auras, runes, numerology, dream interpretation, animal totems, and meditation. I have taken many different workshops such as Connecting with Your Angels and Guides, the “Clairs,” and Tarot.
Why I’m here…
I’m here to support you as you expand your mind and provide the necessary tool to live the best version of yourself so you can shine your light and raise your vibration. Restructuring our world isn’t easy or quick, but with mindfulness and practice you can accomplish your goals and re-frame the world around you.
Many people wonder how travel comes into all of this. When I first started traveling my purpose was just like everyone else’s, to have fun, adventure, and take in new cultures; but it seemed like Spirit had other plans for me. I had paranormal experience everywhere I went. Most people think of paranormal traveling as going around hunting ghost, but I’m a Medium not a ghost hunter. My goal is to help you connect with the unseen as you travel while upholding the upmost respect for those who have pasted. It’s important to remember that it’s like connecting with nature, we are entering their environment and not disrupt their world. At the very least, I would love to show you some cool magical places and inspire you to create your own paranormal travel bucket list.