• 714-366-8820
  • intuitive_wanderer@outlook.com
  • 1095 N. Main St. Orange, Ca 92867

How to Travel If You’re an Empath

Traveling has so many rewards. It helps you relax, resets your work/life balance, and promotes a positive mindset. This is often why jobs give you vacation time. We all know that travel also comes with a lot of stress and anxiety. From planning where to go, staying within our budget, and it can even get worst if you’re traveling with […]


I want to start off by welcoming you to Intuitive Wanderer’s blog page. The reason I wanted to create a blog was to help you navigate your journey to enlightenment, while also sharing my own. My goal is to inspire and educate you in all things metaphysical, such as Reiki and other holistic healing modalities, psychic development, spiritualism, and my […]