21-Day Healing Challenge
21-Day Healing Challenge

             It is believed that doing, saying, being something daily for 21 days makes your "something" a habit. For clients who want a deeper and extended form of healing, there's the 21-Day Healing Challenge. This form of healing is intended for clients who are truly committed to healing and growing as an individual and are willing to work alongside the practitioner to reap the full benefits. During the course, the client comes in for a set of three scheduled healing sessions seven days apart. The client also gets a small burst of energy healing once a day, so they get 21 days of Reiki healing. Each session is focused on a specific targeted area leading to the next targeted area to heal overall issues. The program also comes with a worksheet to help guide the client along the process.

Different Programs

Chakra Healing: Three - 1hr Chakra Healings

  • Focuses on cleansing, balancing, and empowering 15 different chakras within the body. This program is best for restoring the chakras for better balance and storing more energy. Each session focuses on a different section of the body.


Health & Wellness: Three - 1hr Crystal Healings

  • Intended to help you reach your health goals. During the sessions, we use crystals tailored to your specific needs. The worksheet is excellent for helping you set goals, identify habits to make and break, and easy ways to hold yourself accountable.


Karma & "Ill Wishing" Cleansing: One - 1hr Energy Cord Cutting and two 1hr Reiki Healings

  • Remove everything that is no longer serving you. During the session, we start by removing all negative energy cords, collected karma, and any hexes, curses, or ill wishes that inhabit growth. Then we call in positivity to bring abundance to the future.


Connect With Your Spiritual Team: Three- 1hr Reiki Healings with meditation

  • Have you ever wanted to become more spiritually connected? These sessions are intended to help you meet your angels, guides, and higher self. This helps you feel more in tune with the universe and to better understand that we are never alone and they're always there offering you support.


Rejuvenation: Three - 1hr Reiki Sound Baths

  • This healing is designed to clear and strengthen your aura, etheric body, and bio-magnetic sheath. During the session, we use sound and frequency tools such as tuning forks, singing bowls, and a tuning pipe. This helps raise your vibration by matching the instruments.


Shadow Work: Three - 1hr Reiki Healings with tailored meditations

  • Shed some light onto some of the darkest periods of your life. Often, this journey is called Dark Night of the Soul and is an intense part of the healing process. These healings are intended to help heal trauma, stress, and anxieties.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I know what healing would be best for me?


A: You would benefit from all of these healings. It’s best to begin with the one or two goals you wish to accomplish. Then read the description of the healings and see what fits your needs the most. You can always meditate on it and let the universe show you the right healing for you. If you still need guidance, feel right to reach out to further discuss what healing would be the most appropriate.


Q; Can you tell me more about the worksheet?

A; The worksheet is designed as a tool to help guide you along the process. It helps you set goals and intentions, has daily challenges, weekly focuses, and reflection prompts. It’s intended to help you challenge the mind and give you tools to overcome anxiety. The worksheet is for your eyes only. I will never ask to see it but feel free to bring it if you need help with it or have questions.  


Q: What happens if I miss one of my scheduled appointments?

A: Since the healing is programmed to a set schedule and must be completed within 21 days, in the event that you are unable to attend your next appointment you will receive a distance healing in lieu of in-person. Distance healing is still fully effective but you would miss out on any intuitive information I may get during the session. You may reschedule for a different time (if available) but must keep the same day.


Q: Is there any guarantee that this program with heal all of my concerns?

A: Like all healings, there is no guarantee that this program will fix everything. This is designed to restore and rejuvenate your well-being and restore the Ki energy, but the practitioner is only the conduit and can never guarantee any outcome.


Q: Will I still need healing after the program?

A: Though this is designed to completely restore the Chi within your body, life still goes on. New blockages can form, but they will be easier to clear out. So, you might not need as many sessions or as often.