About us
About us

My name is Janelle Magdaleno. I was born and raised in Orange County, California. WhenI was four years old, I discovered I had the wonderful ability to connect with the other side. By the age of fourteen, I started studying my first metaphysical subject Astrology. At sixteen, I became an international traveler and fell in love with seeing the world. Since then, I have traveled to over 15 different countries and have encountered paranormal activity on every journey. Growing up as a light worker, I realized I was a small part of something much bigger and dedicated my life to serving God/Source/Spirit. I realized how passionate I an about inviting people to experience connections to Source, love, healing energy, and deceased loved ones. So, in 2019 I receiced the name from Spirit and Intuitive Wanderer was born. Over the years I have explored a number of different metaphysical subjects such as astrology, pendulums, crystals, cards, psychometry, intuitive art, perceiving auras, runes, numerology, dream interpretation, spirit animals, color therapy, feng shui, past lives, angel communication, Reiki and sound healings, and meditation. I have extensive trainning with many different teachers over the years. Most recently I have joined the IARP (International Association of Reiki Professional) and attended workshops with Kyle Gray, a leading figure with Angel Communication.


Janelle Magdaleno

Founder and Owner of

Intuitive Wanderer


Certified Psychic, Medium, Reiki Master, Sound Healer, Astrologer, and Diksha Practitioner.

I am a certified Psychic, Medium, Reiki Master and Diksha Practitioner. In 2018 I began training with P.H.D. Anne Reith at the Wellness and Wisdom Center. I am currently a graduate of IMPART’s (Institute for Mediumship, Psychic, Astrological, & Reiki Training) Certification Programs for Healers, Psychics, and Mediums. I am also member of IMPART’s Advance Development Circle. There, I grew quickly and enjoy assisting in Dr. Reith’s Psychic Development & Mediumship classes as a group leader and conducted attunements during Reiki workshops. In 2021, I became a member of the International Association of Reiki Professionals.