
Offering expertise in psychic and reiki healings nation wide

Click on each service to read a brief description. Check out the Sale page for new and returning client offers.

30min Angel Card Reading

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This spiritual deck helps bridge between heaven and Earth. It draws together Angels, Ascended Masters, spiritual deities, and higher beings from many worlds who are here to help all those who call on them. This type of reading is good for anyone who wants to connect to higher beings to seek guidance on their spiritual path. Best for questions about your spiritual journey.


(30min reading, 3 cards.)

*Must be 18yrs+ for all readings.

Click on the link below to discover which service is best for your journey!


Energy Healings             Psychic Readings

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New Clients


If this is your first visit with us welcome to the start of your journey! To better help you navigate and personalize your session, please feel free to call to discuss which actions are best to enhance your experience and book your appointment. Then, review the link below to prepare for your session.

I look forward to meeting you!

Remote Services



Though many clients love to experience their services in person, distance work is just as effective. With permission, intention, and focus I'm able to tap into the client’s energy to perform any of the services. All readings are done over the phone, email, or zoom. For healing sessions, it’s best done over the phone or email since you will be relaxing with your eyes closed.


Mobile Services


I come to you in the comfort of your own home. This service has an additional fee of $20. You must live within 10 miles radius from my office or +$0.50 per additional mileage. Mobile services require that we have had a previous session before and are limited to people with mobile issues, parties, house clearings or other reasons discussed. Services are available for larger groups and parties. The client is responsible for providing the space and privacy needed for services.

*Excluded from all discounts.

New Clients


If this is your first visit with us welcome to the start of your journey! To better help you navigate and personalize your session, please feel free to call to discuss which actions are best to enhance your experience and book your appointment. Then, review the link below to prepare for your session. I look forward to meeting you!

Remote Services



Though many clients love to experience their services in person, distance work is just as effective. With permission, intention, and focus I am able to tap into the client’s energy to perform any of the services. All readings are done over the phone, email, or zoom. For healing sessions, it’s best done over the phone or email since you will be relaxing with your eyes closed.

Mobile Services


I can come to you in the comfort of your own home. This service has an additional fee of $20. You must live within a 10-mile radius of my office or +$0.50 per additional mileage. Mobile services require that we have had a previous session before and are limited to people with mobile issues, parties, house clearings, or other reasons discussed. Services are available for larger groups and parties. The client is responsible for providing the space and privacy needed for services.

*Excluded from all discounts.